Professional Certified Coach
I am an Agile Practitioner who cares passionately about helping deliver value to clients through simplicity using transparent processes. I have several years of experience as an Agile Coach in the Finance and Retail industries.
My primary mission is to contribute to make the workplace a more human place where people enjoy being, trust each other and work better together. I coach leadership teams to improve skills, conflict navigation and goal setting.
I am a Professional Coach (ICF-PCC), Scrum Alliance Certified Team Coach (CTC), Scrum Alliance Path to CSP Educator for the Scrum Master and Product Owner tracks, Certified Agile Leadership (CAL) Educator, Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) practitioner and also an active member of the Agile and Coaching Communities.
Puoi scoprire di più su di me sul mio sito web.